Division of decimals 小數除法
  Divising decimals by decimals 小數除以小數
  Expand both the dividend and divisor 10 out or 100 times 把被除數和除數同時倍大10或100倍
  Move the decimal points 2 places to the right 把小數點向右移兩個位
  Decimal place 小數位
  Handle the remainder 處理餘數
  Round off to the nearest tenth or hundredth 四捨五入至十分位或百分位
  Mixed operations of decimals 小數混合計算
  Move forward 移前
  Divisible 除盡
  Reduce to its simplest form 約至最簡
  Do multiplication and division first, then do addition and subtraction 先乘除,後加減
  Vertices and edges of 3-D Shapes 立體圖形的頂與棱
  Sides of the base 底邊
  Pointed top 尖頂
  Plasticine balls 橡皮泥粒
  Algebraic expression 代數式
  Nets of prisms and cylinders 柱體和圓柱體的摺紙圖樣
  Fold into a cuboid 摺成長方體
  Sections of 3-D Shapes 立體圖形的截面
  Cut horizontally 橫切
  Cut vertically 縱切
  Cut obliquely 斜切
  ellipse 橢圓形
  Changing between decimals and fractions 小數和分數互化
  Estimating and comparing fractions 估計和比較分數
  Recurring decimals 循環小數
  Recurring period 循環節
  Recurring point 循環點
  Terminating decimal 有限小數
  Percentages 百分數/百分率
  Sign of percentage 百分號(%)
  Expand a fraction 擴分
  Reduce a fraction 約分
  reduce to the simples form 約至最簡
  Capacity and volume 容量和體積
  1-litre cubical box 一升方盒
  The space that an object takes up is called the volume of the object 一件物體所佔空間的大小,稱為體積。
  The volume that a container can hold is called the capacity of the container 容器所能容納物體的體積,稱為容量或容積。
  cubic metres 立方米
  cubic centimetres 立方厘米
  Volume of irregular solids 不規則立體的體積
  Displacement method 排水法
  Overflow can 滿溢瓶
  Water displaced 排出來的水
  Water risen 升高的水
  Average 象形圖
  Assumed average height 假定平均高度
  Bar Chart 棒形圖
  Trend 趨勢
  One-to-thousand representation 1格代表1,000
  One-to-hundred thousand representation 1格代表100,000
  Approximation 近似值
  Square 平方
  Square root 平方根
  Radical sign 平方根號
  Curve stitching 繡曲線
  Curve stitching pattern 繡曲線圖案
  Sector 扇形
  Circumference 圓周
  Find the value of the percentage of a number 求一數的百分之幾的值
  Find the value of the remaining percentage of a number 求一數餘下百分之幾的值
  Find the value of the sum or the difference of percentages 求一數的百分之幾的值,再找出它們的和或差
  Find the value of a number increased or decreased by a certain percentage 求一數增加或減少了百分之幾後的值
  Simple equation 簡易方程
  Substitute 代入
  Use a letter for the unknown 以英文字母作為未知數
  Solve Simple equations involving multiplication and addition 解乘加的方程
  Solve Simple equations involving multiplication and Subtraction 解乘減的方程
  Solve Simple equations involving division and addition 解除加的方程
  Solve Simple equations involving division and Subtraction 解除減的方程
  Solve Simple equations involving fractions 解包含分數的方程
  Solve Simple equations involving decimals 解包含小數的方程
  Use Simple equations to solve problems on area, volume and perimeter 列方程解面積、體積和周界應用題
  Circle template 圓形板
  Compasses 圓規
  Circumference and diameter 圓周和直徑
  Trundle wheel 滾輪
  Tape measure 軟尺
  pi(π) 圓周率
  Use the diameter to find the circumference 利用直徑求圓周
  Use the circumference to find the diameter 利用圓周求直徑
  Discounts 折扣
  Original Price 原價
  Selling price 售價
  Amount saved 節省
  Discount is used to show how much an item is marked down 折扣是一種表示商品減價出售的方式
  Broken line graph 折線圖
  Show the changes in data within a period 顯示同項資料在一段時間內的變化
  Estimate the future trend 估計往後數據的改變趨勢


  Vertical axis 縱軸
  Horizontal axis 橫軸
  Extend 延長
  speed 速率
  Metre per second 米每秒
  Kilometre per hour 公里每小時
  Distance 路程
  Travel graph 行程圖
  Trip 行程
  See the movement of a person or vehicle during the whole trip 了解人或車在整個行程中移動的情況
  Chance 概率
  Certain 一定
  impossible 不可能
  Number pattern 數型
  Preceding number 前一個數
  Following number 後一個數
  Rectangular number 矩形數
  Square number 正方形數
  The sum of a group of consecutive odd numbers 一組連續奇數之和
  Triangular number 三角形數
  The sum of a group of consecutive numbers 一組連續數之和
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