
>Promote pupils' motivation to learn mathematics

>Enhance pupils' learning abilities through acquiring the foundations of mathematical knowledge and skill

>Develop pupils' capabilities for learning how to learn, and their ability to think logically, creatively and critically

>Enhance pupils' abilities to communicate and solve problems.

>Develop pupils' positive attitudes towards the learning of mathematics and appreciation of the beauty of mathematics

>English has been adopted as the medium of instruction
>Catering for diverse learning needs, some pupils from J.4 to J.6 are taught in groups where Cantonese is the medium of instruction
>To cater for different learning needs, additional remedial classes are provided for students from J.2 to J.6 who need more help in their learning
>Additional courses are given to students who are interested or gifted
>Beside basic concepts and skills, stretching students' abilities is one of the foci in teaching and learning

Class lesson activities:



[ J.1 : Making models for 3-D shapes ]


[ J.2 : Weighting activities ]


[ J.2 : Make 3-D shapes ]

[ J.2 : Addition of money ]

[ J.6 : Understanding the capacity ]


[ J.6 : Make 3-D shapes ]


[ J.6 : e-learning ]



Maths Self learning Corner:


Student are encourage to solve problems regularly posted on the notice board. They are also encouraged to design problems of their own to post on the board.  Students make use of their free time to challenge and solve different problems. Students’potential and abilities are stretched in a fun and encouraging atmosphere.


End term Maths games:



Students need to apply their knowledge or skills learnt in Mathematics lessons to solve real problems, in order to bring mathematics into their daily lives.


In collaboration with The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education since 2012


Our teachers help to develop some courses for the academy.  They also help teach those course at our school. Since students are coming from different school, they are encouraged to share different skills or techniques to solve the mathematics problems.


Both our teachers and students can gain precious learning experiences from meeting different people and doing Maths informally.

Students’ Work

Maths STEM
School based STEM project

On March of 2019, our school tried to launch a school based STEM project on J.4, J.5 and J.6. Students are divided into groups to design a product which is made up of papers. J.4 students made paper buildings, J.5 students made paper bridges, J.6 stduents made paper chairs. At the beginning, they needed to do a fair test to testify which shape of column is most withstandable for weight and force. After that, they started to design the product according to the data that obtained. Finally, teachers held a competition within the whole form and to find out whose product can withstand for greatest force.

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